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MA Lovell

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Lovell, M. ., Xiong, S. ., Markesbery, W. ., & Lynn, B. . (2005). Quantitative proteomic analysis of mitochondria from primary neuron cultures treated with amyloid beta peptide. Neurochemical Research, 30(1), 113-22.
Williams, T. ., Lovell, M. ., & Lynn, B. . (2005). Analysis of derivatized biogenic aldehydes by LC tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 77(10), 3383-9. (Original work published 2005)
Lovell, M. ., Geiger, H. ., Van Zant, G. ., Lynn, B. ., & Markesbery, W. . (2006). Isolation of neural precursor cells from Alzheimer’s disease and aged control postmortem brain. Neurobiology of Aging, 27(7), 909-17.
Williams, T. ., Lynn, B. ., Markesbery, W. ., & Lovell, M. . (2006). Increased levels of 4-hydroxynonenal and acrolein, neurotoxic markers of lipid peroxidation, in the brain in Mild Cognitive Impairment and early Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 27(8), 1094-9.
Lovell, M. ., Bradley, M. ., & Fister, S. . 4-Hydroxyhexenal (HHE) impairs glutamate transport in astrocyte cultures. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease : JAD, 32(1), 139-46. (Original work published 2012)
Liu, X. ., Lovell, M. ., & Lynn, B. . (2006). Detection and quantification of endogenous cyclic DNA adducts derived from trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in human brain tissue by isotope dilution capillary liquid chromatography nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 19(5), 710-8.
Lovell, M. ., Lynn, B. ., Xiong, S. ., Quinn, J. ., Kaye, J. ., & Markesbery, W. . (2008). An aberrant protein complex in CSF as a biomarker of Alzheimer disease. Neurology, 70(23), 2212-8. (Original work published 2008)
Fu, Y. ., Xiong, S. ., Lovell, M. ., & Lynn, B. . (2009). Quantitative proteomic analysis of mitochondria in aging PS-1 transgenic mice. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 29(5), 649-64.
Lynn, B. ., Wang, J. ., Markesbery, W. ., & Lovell, M. . Quantitative changes in the mitochondrial proteome from subjects with mild cognitive impairment, early stage, and late stage Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease : JAD, 19(1), 325-39. (Original work published 2010)
Timmons, M. ., Bradley, M. ., Lovell, M. ., & Lynn, B. . (2011). Procedure for the isolation of mitochondria, cytosolic and nuclear material from a single piece of neurological tissue for high-throughput mass spectral analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 197(2), 279-82. (Original work published 2011)