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JT Blackburn

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Pietrosimone, B. ., Nissman, D. ., Padua, D. ., Blackburn, J. ., Harkey, M. ., Creighton, R. ., … Spang, J. . (2018). Associations between cartilage proteoglycan density and patient outcomes 12months following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The Knee. (Original work published 2018)
Lynall, R. ., Blackburn, J. ., Guskiewicz, K. ., Marshall, S. ., Plummer, P. ., & Mihalik, J. . (2018). Reaction Time and Joint Kinematics during Functional Movement in Recently Concussed Individuals. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. (Original work published 2018)