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M Perluigi

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Barone, E. ., Di Domenico, F. ., Cassano, T. ., Arena, A. ., Tramutola, A. ., Lavecchia, M. ., … Perluigi, M. . (2016). Impairment of biliverdin reductase-A promotes brain insulin resistance in Alzheimer disease: A new paradigm. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 91, 127-42.
Tramutola, A. ., Di Domenico, F. ., Barone, E. ., Perluigi, M. ., & Butterfield, D. . It Is All about (U)biquitin: Role of Altered Ubiquitin-Proteasome System and UCHL1 in Alzheimer Disease. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016, 2756068. (Original work published 2016)
Tramutola, A. ., Pupo, G. ., Di Domenico, F. ., Barone, E. ., Arena, A. ., Lanzillotta, C. ., … Perluigi, M. . Activation of p53 in Down Syndrome and in the Ts65Dn Mouse Brain is Associated with a Pro-Apoptotic Phenotype. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease : JAD, 52(1), 359-371. (Original work published 2016)
Tramutola, A. ., Lanzillotta, C. ., Perluigi, M. ., & Butterfield, D. . (2017). Oxidative stress, protein modification and Alzheimer disease. Brain Research Bulletin, 133, 88-96.
Perluigi, M. ., Barone, E. ., Di Domenico, F. ., & Butterfield, D. . (2016). Aberrant protein phosphorylation in Alzheimer disease brain disturbs pro-survival and cell death pathways. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta, 1862(10), 1871-82.
Butterfield, D. ., & Perluigi, M. . (2017). Redox Proteomics: A Key Tool for New Insights into Protein Modification with Relevance to Disease. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 26(7), 277-279. (Original work published 2017)
Tramutola, A. ., Lanzillotta, C. ., Barone, E. ., Arena, A. ., Zuliani, I. ., Mosca, L. ., … Di Domenico, F. . Intranasal rapamycin ameliorates Alzheimer-like cognitive decline in a mouse model of Down syndrome. Translational Neurodegeneration, 7, 28. (Original work published 2018)
Triplett, J. ., Tramutola, A. ., Swomley, A. ., Kirk, J. ., Grimes, K. ., Lewis, K. ., … Butterfield, D. . (2015). Age-related changes in the proteostasis network in the brain of the naked mole-rat: Implications promoting healthy longevity. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta, 1852(10 Pt A), 2213-24.
Barone, E. ., Cenini, G. ., Di Domenico, F. ., Noel, T. ., Wang, C. ., Perluigi, M. ., … Butterfield, D. . (2015). Basal brain oxidative and nitrative stress levels are finely regulated by the interplay between superoxide dismutase 2 and p53. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 93(11), 1728-39.
Di Domenico, F. ., Pupo, G. ., Giraldo, E. ., Badìa, M. ., Monllor, P. ., Lloret, A. ., … Perluigi, M. . (2016). Oxidative signature of cerebrospinal fluid from mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease patients. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 91, 1-9.