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BC Nindl

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, Connaboy, C. ., Nindl, B. ., & Allison, K. . (2018). Significantly Increased Odds of Reporting Previous Shoulder Injuries in Female Marines Based on Larger Magnitude Shoulder Rotator Bilateral Strength Differences. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 6(2), 2325967118756283.
Nindl, B. ., , Frykman, P. ., Palmer, C. ., Lammi, E. ., Reynolds, K. ., … Harman, E. . (2017). Functional physical training improves women’s military occupational performance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20 Suppl 4, S91-S97.
Allison, K. ., Keenan, K. ., Wohleber, M. ., Perlsweig, K. ., Pletcher, E. ., Lovalekar, M. ., … Nindl, B. . (2017). Greater ankle strength, anaerobic and aerobic capacity, and agility predict Ground Combat Military Occupational School graduation in female Marines. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20 Suppl 4, S85-S90.
Nindl, B. ., Alemany, J. ., Rarick, K. ., , Darnell, M. ., Allison, K. ., & Harman, E. . (2017). Differential basal and exercise-induced IGF-I system responses to resistance vs. calisthenic-based military readiness training programs. Growth Hormone & IGF Research : Official Journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society, 32, 33-40.