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Alex Reis

Research Interests:
Carbonate Diagenesis
stable isotope geochemistry
redox chemistry

Before coming to UK, I received my B.S. in Geology from the University of Cincinnati where I focused on redox chemistry in the Late Pennsylvanian Midcontinent Sea and a Permian-Triassic Boundary site in Greenland. Following graduation in 2016, I spent about a year as an environmental consultant for a large firm in Cincinnati, OH. I began studying at UK is the fall of 2016 working with Dr. Erhardt in the Kentucky Stable Isotope Geochemistry Lab. My M.S. research was focused on using stable isotopes and bulk rock geochemistry to investigate carbonate diagenesis and dolomitization in the Wolfcamp D Formation in the Midland Basin. The work was carried out through a partnership between the University of Kentucky and Pioneer Natural Resources. I received my M.S. in May 2018.

My dissertation research builds on my previous experience with stable isotopes, expanding into new systems to examine carbonate diagenesis in marine sediments collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 189 and more recently during International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 378. For this research, I am applying multi-phase stable sulfur and oxygen isotopes, as well as calcium, and radiogenic strontium isotopes to examine recrystallization over multiple timescales. During my tenure at UK, I have been fortunate to sail as a Petrophysics Specialist on IODP Expedition 378 and attend several international conferences and short courses.


Selected Publications:

Reis A.J., Erhardt, A.M., McGlue, M.M., and Waite, L., 2019. Evaluating the effects of diagenesis on the δ13C and δ18O compositions of carbonates in a mud-rich depositional environment: A case study from the Midland Basin, USA. Chemical Geology 524, 196-212.